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 Subject :WRT54 with DD-WRT as a Ubiquiti hub..... 2014-10-29- 09:21:07 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03

In my quest to acquire all of the city's WRT54GS's, I've also picked up a fair number of other Linksys routers that are not BBHN capable, but are capable of running DD-WRT (Open-wrt's commercial cousin). I've used WRT54G V8's for AP's connected to mesh nodes, as bridges and repeaters to get an internet connection to a mesh node, and a variety of other strange things. My usual drop-box is now a WRT54GS and G V8 strapped together into a mesh node/wifi AP combination.

Moving up to Ubiquiti, I'm stockpiling Nanostation M2's 'cuz they're so easy to work with. I'd like to graduate to a rocket or 3 with sector antennas on a repeater site.

Has anyone experimented with DD-WRT as a managed switch, setting up the VLANs to utlilize the DtD linking in BBHN V3? I'm about to spend some time trying, but if there's a land mine or two in the idea, I'd sure appreciate the heads-up.


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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:WRT54 with DD-WRT as a Ubiquiti hub..... 2014-10-29- 11:01:13 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

Haven't tried it, but take a look at BBHN->ticket:55. If the issue is in hardware like we believe it is than dd-wrt could have the same issue so you may have to work around that.  Otherwise it should be doable .

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