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 Subject :New from Spain.. 2013-11-15- 23:39:06 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain

Hi, I am Miguel, from Spain, in a test phase of my new hsmm mesh node. This is the presentation msg in the forum. 73’s to all members.


I have more doubts, one, is how connect via vpn to the rest of the network of the rest of the world, but Jim K5KTF explain to me, that this are in phase of test  .  I am interested  on this.

I have my main node started for making tests and later I will  put on the roof of my station with  and omni dir antenna for give coverage to my city area.

I am waiting for obtain a second router wrt54gl, for configure it as client ( and connect my laptop ) and test the user access to main node.

But I want ask if it is possible for test purposes, configure a” wrt54gl virtual machine” in my laptop, with is built-in wifi radio, or pcmcia wifi radio hw,  install the hsmm mesh firmware in this virtual machine, and test the client access. ( really I wan use my laptop as a router and pc client ), any ideas? .

Thanks and 73s


Miguel Bahi Cruz


EB5JEQ Amateur Radio Station


Elche Alicante Spain


email & skype :

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EB5JEQ-1 AX25 Node BPQnet BPQ32 144.825MHZ

EB5JEQ-8 TCPIP Node Net JNOS, 144.825MHZ ( in test )

QRUEB5JEQ Aprs QRUserver ( APRSIS32 )


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